I'm back...from what you may ask. I'm back to myself! We all get caught up from time to time focusing on the things in our lives that are really trivial. We tend to get wrapped up in our feelings and allowing those feelings to dictate how we operate on a day to day business. Feelings are real, valid, and called for, but a rational evaluation of those feelings is of the utmost importance.

It is human nature to have a reaction to the things that happen around you, that reaction equates to your feelings. 'Feelings' simply mean an emotional state or reaction; a belief, especially a vague or irrational one. The issue that we can all sometimes have is that we get to caught in the feelings, the irrational ones, and forget how to be realistic.
Luckily, I have a good support system of friends, family, and co-workers that all help to bring me back to reality. Sometimes that means allowing me to have the alone time I need to truly process what has been said and done and sometimes that means taking me out for a nice dinner and having a calm, reassuring conversation with me.
From time to time I may wander off (figuratively) and it is ok, acceptable, and understandable if you do too. But I always seem to resurface refreshed, renewed, and refocused to continue to strive forward in my goal to achieve my personal mission statement to be a responsible, respectful organizational and document expert and entrepreneur living honestly, loyally, and joyfully as the best daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and help mate possible.